My Books

The Money Revolution: How to Finance the Next American Century
The first two parts of The Money Revolution describe the evolution of Money and Credit over the last century. These include a detailed history of the Federal Reserve since its establishment in 1913 and a discussion of the transformation of our economic system from Capitalism to Creditism during the five decades since Dollars ceased to be backed by Gold. Parts One and Two show that a “Money Revolution” has occurred and fundamentally altered the way the global economy functions. Part Three demonstrates that this Money Revolution opens up unprecedented opportunities for the United States to radically accelerate economic growth, enhance human well-being and strengthen US national security by investing aggressively in the Industries and Technologies of the Future.

The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures
In this updated, second edition of the highly acclaimed international best seller, The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cures, Richard Duncan describes the flaws in the international monetary system that have destabilized the global economy and that may soon culminate in a deflation-induced worldwide economic slump.
Posterity may remember The Dollar Crisis as a seminal book in the field of 21st century economics. Indeed, rarely has a book offered such a grim yet, well argued view of the current economic situation facing the world.– Steven Irvine, FinanceAsia

The Corruption Of Capitalism: A strategy to re-balance the global economy and restore sustainable growth
The global economy is in crisis. The financial system has failed, international trade has contracted sharply and unemployment has soared. Only a multi-trillion dollar government intervention is preventing a worldwide breakdown on the scale of the Great Depression.
In The Corruption of Capitalism, Richard Duncan provides a clear and comprehensive explanation of how this calamity came about. He also offers a strategy to permanently resolve it. The book is divided into three parts. Part I describes the present state of the global economy and the government life support keeping it afloat. Part II details the long series of US policy mistakes responsible for this disaster. Part III outlines the actions required to restructure the US economy and restore global economic growth.

The New Depression: The Breakdown Of The Paper Money Economy
When the United States stopped backing dollars with gold in 1968, the nature of money changed. All previous constraints on money and credit creation were removed and a new economic paradigm took shape. Economic growth ceased to be driven by capital accumulation and investment as it had been since before the Industrial Revolution. Instead, credit creation and consumption began to drive the economic dynamic. In The New Depression: The Breakdown of the Paper Money Economy, Richard Duncan introduces an analytical framework, The Quantity Theory of Credit, that explains all aspects of the calamity now unfolding: its causes, the rationale for the government’s policy response to the crisis, what is likely to happen next, and how those developments will affect asset prices and investment portfolios.
Alarming but essential reading, The New Depression explains why the global economy is teetering on the brink of falling into a deep and protracted depression, and how we can restore stability.