Economics In The Age Of Paper Money
The economic ecosystem, laissez-faire and exogenous shocks. Globalization and the collapse in the cost of labor Three kinds of Inflation Why Interest Rates are zero: What determines interest rates in
The Past: Abandoned principles and misguided…
Policy Mistakes Unbalanced Budgets The End of Sound Money Promoting Trade with no concern for the balance of trade Financial Sector Deregulation Economic Management through bubble creation. Trade The collapse
The Present: On the brink of disaster
The Condition and Outlook for the global economy How is the GDP calculated? The breakdown of global GDP by country The Outlook for the US private Sector Personal Consumption Business
The Future: What Must Be Done
Understanding our starting point: the brink of disaster. The life raft analogy. What caused the Great Depression? Policy Options Cut government spending now Maintain current levels of government spending Increase
Investment Implications
What is Quantitative Easing? The most probable outcome A diversified portfolio Cash Flow: Make something and sell it. 2 – Why is audience important for college papers? 3 – Writing