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Podcast: Why Biden and Trump Both Support a U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund

The objective of my book The Money Revolution: How To Finance The Next American Century was to persuade the American public and US policymakers of the urgent need for the United States to make a very large-scale investment in the industries and technologies of the future over the next 10 years.

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Please note, I created this podcast using Chat GPT and an astonishing new AI tool from Google:  Notebooklm.google.com

I asked Chat GPT to create two documents, one summarizing all the press coverage of Biden and Trump’s announcements of their support for a U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund, and the other summarizing the arguments in my book calling for a U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund.  I saved to two documents as PDF files.  And then uploaded them into the Notebooklm.google.com website and clicked the button “Generate Deep Dive Conversation”.   It took less than three minutes to generate the nine-minute podcast.  

You will hear a man and a woman having an engaging and intelligent conversation about the pros and cons of setting up a Sovereign Wealth Fund for the United States.  They are not people. 
