The Past: Abandoned principles and misguided policies

Posted November 25, 2010
Policy Mistakes
- Unbalanced Budgets
- The End of Sound Money
- Promoting Trade with no concern for the balance of trade
- Financial Sector Deregulation
- Economic Management through bubble creation.
- The collapse of Bretton Woods
- Trade Imbalances
- Flaws in The Dollar Standard: no automatic adjustment mechanism.
- Globalization: trade imbalances, disinflation, interest rates
- Financing the trade imbalances with paper money creation
- Free Trade was good; Debt Financed Trade is bad
- Capital Inflows caused economic bubbles in the surplus countries
- Capital inflows caused the economic bubble in the US
- Credit growth drove economic growth in the US
- How credit creates the bubble: the mechanics of a credit bubble.
- Why bubbles pop.
- Capital flows and banking crises.
- Economic management through bubble creation in the US
- Bernankism
- Why are interest rates 0%?
- Quantitative Easing
The Consequences
- Capitalism becomes Debtism
- Debtism collapses; Statism fills the gap.
- Saving the Financial Sector
- Supporting Aggregate Demand
- The Corruption of Capitalism
- The Great Depression and The New Depression
- The conventional view of the causes of the Great Depression is wrong.
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