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Wealth Bonanza: Risks and Opportunities

The latest Macro Watch video begins by analyzing this mind-boggling surge in Wealth by describing the growth in all the components contributing to this increase in Household Net Worth.

Next, the video discusses the causes behind the creation of so much Wealth in such a short space of time.

The problem of increasing Income Inequality is the next topic taken up.  The wealthiest 1% of Americans own 30% of all the country’s Wealth.  The wealthiest 10% own 67% of all the Wealth, twice as much as the remaining 90% of the population.  And the gap between the rich and the poor continues to widen.

The video concludes by considering if a Wealth Tax on the country’s richest 10% would be effective in reducing Income Inequality and lowering government debt.

Macro Watch subscribers can log in and watch this video now for all the details.

This video is 21 minutes long and contains 57 slides that can be downloaded.

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