Why Other Countries Will Finance The U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund

Posted October 2, 2024
Who will finance the U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund that was recently proposed by both President Biden and former President Trump?
This was a topic that Tom Bodrovics and I recently discussed during an interview for Palisades Gold Radio.
You may be surprised to learn that foreigners (i.e., non-Americans) will finance much of it.
That is because the United States giant Current Account Deficits create an ever-growing pool of “trapped Dollar savings” overseas; and those foreign Dollar savings will be available to fund the U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund.
This is just one of the many advantages the United States enjoys as a result of having the Dollar serve as the International Reserve Currency.
How did the Dollar become the International Reserve Currency? And why will it continue to be the International Reserve Currency far into the future?
All these topics are explained in Part Three of this Palisades Gold Radio podcast.
Click HERE to watch Part Three now.
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