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Interview: The Creating Wealth Show, Part One

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Jason Hartman, the host of The Creating Wealth Show, in Bangkok.  Jason and I have had several conversations in the past, but always via Zoom.  This time we sat down face to face and had a long, interesting and enjoyable conversation, which he recorded.

Today, I am uploading the first part of that conversation, the introductory, “how we got here” part.

I begin by explaining how I got here as the result of having been a lucky backpacker traveling through South-East Asia 40 years ago and how that led to me beginning my career in Hong Kong in 1986.

From there we discussed how the global economy got here or, more specifically, how it was blown into the greatest economic bubble in history during the five decades since Dollars ceased to be backed by Gold, and as Capitalism evolved into Creditism.

Finally, we discussed how we have come to the point where establishing a U.S. Sovereign Wealth Fund, which President Trump did two weeks ago, is the surest way to prevent our global Credit Bubble from imploding with catastrophic consequences, and, moreover, why it is the best strategy to ensure that the first American Century will not be the last.

This is a good one.  I highly recommend it.

Part Two, the “where we go from here” part, will be posted soon.

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