China’s Next Move: Further Devaluation?

Posted October 30, 2015
The new Macro Watch video, uploaded today, addresses the following questions about China:
- Is China selling US government bonds? If so, what are the consequences?
- What is the significance of China’s attempts to “Internationalize” the Yuan?
- Why did China devalue the Yuan in August? And will it devalue again?
- How severe is China’s economic slowdown?
It is important to have a clear understanding of these issues, because, as you will see, China’s currency policy could easily destabilize the global economy and the financial markets during the months ahead.
In my opinion, the chances of a further Yuan devaluation are high and increasing. If the Fed hikes rates, China will almost certainly devalue. That was message China conveyed by the small Yuan devaluation in August. That devaluation was a warning to the Fed not to hike.
If you have subscribed to Macro Watch, log in and watch this video now. You will quickly learn what is driving China’s currency policy and how a further Yuan devaluation would impact your investments.
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