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Amazon: The King Of The Cloud

Artificial Intelligence is being described as “the new electricity.” It is expected to transform nearly every industry and create enormous economic value, just as electricity did over a century ago, but at a much more rapid pace.

The exponential growth in the power of compute combined with the extraordinary ability of machines to teach themselves is likely to make Artificial Intelligence the most rapidly adopted technology in history.

The speed at which the AI Revolution will unfold will make it very challenging for most people to keep up with what is happening.  Those who do stand to gain enormous rewards.  Those who don’t are likely to be left far behind.

With this concern in mind, Macro Watch is rolling out a series of videos on The Magnificent Seven, the mega-cap tech giants that are at the forefront of the AI Revolution.  They are Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta, Microsoft, Nvidia and Tesla.

Amazon has not made AI-related headlines to the same extent as Microsoft (OpenAI), Alphabet and Meta this year.  This has tended to create the impression that Amazon is a laggard in the AI race.  This video will show that the reality is quite different.

For all the details, Macro Watch subscribers can log in and watch this 22-minute video now.  There are also 58 slides that subscribers can download.


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A new video will be added approximately every two weeks.

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