New Interview: Highly Recommended

Posted November 13, 2020
I was recently interviewed by Jim Baer for his podcast The Puck: Venture Capital and Beyond. Jim, who works in the world of venture capital and technology, raised many important questions about the dramatic changes occurring in the way the economy works today, as well as the unsettling social and geopolitical consequences those changes are bringing about.
I think this was an important conversation. I hope you will listen to it now. I highly recommend it.
We discussed both the dangers and the opportunities that exist in the new economic environment that has emerged since money has ceased to be backed by gold – with a focus on finding solutions to the most serious problems now confronting us.
The first half of the interview centers around how we got to where we are today, a point in time when the US government can deficit spend trillions of dollars a year and the Fed can create trillions of dollars a year to finance those deficits, all without causing inflation at the consumer price level.
The second half of the interview highlights the opportunities that our new economic environment makes possible, opportunities that would allow us not only to overcome the dire problems the United States is facing domestically and the growing threats arising from abroad, but that would enable us to go well beyond that by turbocharging US economic growth and radically improving human wellbeing for all segments of society.
These are themes that run through my latest book, The Money Revolution: How To Finance The Next American Century, which should be published during the first half of next year.
After listening to this interview, I hope you will consider subscribing to my video-newsletter, Macro Watch. There you will find much more detailed analysis of the forces driving the global economy and the world’s financial markets.
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Click HERE to listen to this Puck podcast interview now.
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