The Prospects For Asset Prices: 2017

Posted September 9, 2016
The new Macro Watch video uploaded today considers the outlook for equities, bonds/interest rates, property prices, commodities and currencies.
Topics include:
- Important lessons from the last two stock market corrections
- Will the Fed hike interest rates? If so, what will be the impact on each of the major asset classes?
- Where will the S&P 500 Index be at the end of 2017?
- Will US home prices continue rising?
- Is the collapse in commodity prices over?
- Will the Dollar move up or down?
- The Outlook for Gold
- Why interest rates determine what happens to asset prices
- Developments that could send asset prices plunging
I’m not going to give away any of the conclusions here, but I will say that I believe the risks facing investors are high. Valuations are stretched and Monetary Policy, which has kept asset prices inflated, is nearing exhaustion. The closer US government bond yields move toward 0%, the greater are the chances that really bad things will begin to happen.
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I would love to know why you think oil will be near worthless in 15 years. I thought that was a strange statement and you didn’t justify it. Are you simply speculating?
Yes, I should have explained. But, didn’t I say within 30 years and perhaps considerably sooner? Anyway, I think oil will soon become worthless because solar is going to continue becoming cheaper and cheaper until it is virtually free. Within 30 years, there are likely to be many technological breakthroughs that make oil uneconomical. Of course, I could be wrong…..