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CAPITAL: A Crash Course

Posted December 6, 2014

It’s impossible to understand Capitalism without understanding Capital. In the new Macro Watch video, uploaded today, we look at Capital and the Capital Structure of the United States. Capital generates

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Japan’s Crisis & The BOJ’s Solution

Posted November 24, 2014

In the latest Macro Watch video (uploaded today) we look at Japan and the very serious challenges it faces. These include a demographic crisis, a sharp deterioration in its trade

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The McAlvany Interview: QE 4? “They’ll h…

Posted November 22, 2014

The McAlvany Weekly Commentary is simply one of the very best sources of information and analysis on monetary, economic and geo-political news available to the public today. Recently, David McAlvany

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FX Reserve Accumulation Is Quantitative Easin…

Posted November 10, 2014

The accumulation of Foreign Exchange Reserves has a profound impact on global asset prices – just as Quantitative Easing does. That makes Foreign Exchange Reserves (which now amount to $12

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Analyzing The Five Largest Central Banks

Posted October 28, 2014

The latest Macro Watch video (uploaded today) analyzes the strategies and compares the balance sheets of the world’s five largest central banks: The People’s Bank of China, The Federal Reserve,

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Bullard’s Call To Extend QE Halts Market Pa…

Posted October 17, 2014

Yesterday morning, St Louis Fed President James Bullard stopped the stock market crash in its tracks. In a live interview on Bloomberg Television, he said: “…I think a reasonable response

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Slowing Global Liquidity Points To Deflation …

Posted October 12, 2014

The Fed is about to end its third round of Quantitative Easing, but the Bank of Japan is printing Yen faster than ever before and the European Central Bank intends

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The Prospects For Asset Prices

Posted October 2, 2014

Prepare for a stock market sell-off. A new Macro Watch video has been uploaded. In it, I discuss the outlook for stocks, bonds/interest rates, property, commodities and currencies. Topics include:

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Why The Fed Will Launch Another Round Of Quan…

Posted September 26, 2014

In November 2002, Fed Governor Ben Bernanke introduced the concept of Quantitative Easing to the world. In a speech entitled “Deflation: Making Sure It Doesn’t Happen Here”, he explained that

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How Strong Is The US Economic Recovery?

Posted September 9, 2014

A new Macro Watch video has been uploaded and is now ready to watch. Judging from most press reports, it would be easy to form the impression that the US

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