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New Radio Interview: Why No Taper?

Posted September 26, 2013

Last week I was in Kuala Lumpur.  There I had an interesting conversation with Julian Ng  of BFM radio.  We discussed: Why the Fed decided not to taper QE How

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Reminder: Watch Richard Duncan’s New Cours…

Posted August 31, 2013

Capitalism is dead. The government manages the economy now. In order to understand where the economy is headed and what that will mean for the direction of stocks, bonds, property

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Watch Richard Duncan’s New Course: How The…

Posted August 15, 2013

My second video Course is now available on Udemy.com. It’s called: How The Economy Really Works. This 2-hour Course deals with the present. It explains how our economic system works

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Weren’t You Bearish And Wrong? or The Hinde…

Posted August 13, 2013

A friend who works on Wall Street (W. S.) recently sent me an email in which he pointed out some areas of strength in the US economy. His intention was

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How The Economy Really Works

Posted May 10, 2013

So far, 450 of you have signed up for my on-line video course, Capitalism In Crisis: The Global Economic Crisis Explained. Thank you! I appreciate your interest and your support.

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REMINDER. Watch Richard Duncan’s Cours…

Posted April 5, 2013

I would like to thank all of you who have signed up to watch my video Course, Capitalism In Crisis: The Global Economic Crisis Explained, and for your very encouraging

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Watch Richard Duncan’s Course: CAPITAL…

Posted March 27, 2013

Dear All, I have recorded a two-hour course. It’s called Capitalism In Crisis: The Global Economic Crisis Explained. The course is broken into 15 short lectures and is available on

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When Will This New Depression End?

Posted March 8, 2013

The following comments, written specifically for the Spanish language edition of The New Depression, were written in early March 2013, sixteen months after the original manuscript was completed at the

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A McAlvany Weekly Commentary Interview

Posted February 18, 2013

I had the great pleasure of finally meeting David McAlvany of the McAlvany Weekly Commentary in Denver recently. We discussed the consequences of the fiscal cliff deal, currency wars and

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The New Left Review Interviews Richard Duncan…

Posted November 30, 2012

The following interview was printed in the September/October issue of the New Left Review. RICHARD DUNCAN A NEW GLOBAL DEPRESSION? Interview You were one of the very few analysts to

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