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China consensus is dead wrong, says Duncan

Posted November 13, 2012

Please find below an interview posted on MarketWatch today. Bangkok-based economist and author Richard Duncan says a chorus of economists pointing to a rebound in China may well be proven

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The Capital Account Interview: The Death of …

Posted October 18, 2012

I recently had a lively conversation with charismatic Lauren Lyster on Capital Account in Washington D.C. We discussed the death of Capitalism in World War I, the rise of Creditism,

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Author Talk with Jeff Glor on CBSNews.com

Posted October 8, 2012

I recently had a long chat with Jeff Glor on Author Talk, CBSNews.com in New York. Longer interviews like this one are a nice change from the ones that last

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The Squawk Box Interview: The New Depression?…

Posted August 22, 2012

I’m in New York this week, promoting The New Depression. On Monday, I was on Squawk Box (at 6:30 am). I was interviewed by Andrew Sorkin and Becky Quick. Please

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The Financial Times Book Review Of The New De…

Posted August 1, 2012

The New Depression was reviewed by Samuel Brittan in The Financial Times on July 30th. Please find the link below: https://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/a941cd5e-d5a8-11e1-af40-00144feabdc0.html#axzz22HeRw1R1

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Glenn Beck Interviews Richard Duncan: And kee…

Posted July 28, 2012

On Tuesday July 17th I was invited to appear on Glenn Beck’s show. This came about because of my CNBC Squawk Box Europe interview the day before. Honestly, I was

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How Close Are We to New Great Depression?

Posted July 25, 2012

Last week I was in London to promote The New Depression: The Breakdown Of The Paper Money Economy. The week began at 7:30 Monday morning on Squawk Box Europe. Please

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The New Depression Reviewed In THE ECONOMIST

Posted July 8, 2012

This week my book, The New Depression: The Breakdown Of The Paper Money Economy, was reviewed in the Buttonwood column of The Economist. Please find the review copied below. The

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The Policy Options

Posted May 18, 2012

From Chapter 9 of The New Depression: The Breakdown Of The Paper Money Economy – Capitalism was an economic system in which the private sector drove the economic process through

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The McAlvany Weekly Commentary: An Interview…

Posted May 11, 2012

This week David McAlvany interviewed me for his program, The McAlvany Weekly Commentary. We discussed the crisis in the global economy, the risk of a new great depression and the

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