New CNBC Interview: QE Is Debt Cancellation
Posted April 15, 2015
This morning I was interviewed on CNBC Asia in Hong Kong. We discussed how central banks around the world are effectively cancelling trillions of dollars
Posted April 15, 2015
This morning I was interviewed on CNBC Asia in Hong Kong. We discussed how central banks around the world are effectively cancelling trillions of dollars
Posted April 7, 2015
Recent economic data has been startlingly bad. The Atlanta Fed’s GDPNow model suggests US GDP will grow by only 0.1% during the first quarter. The
Posted January 17, 2015
The key to understanding the economy and the financial markets in the 21st Century is this: Credit growth drives economic growth. From 1952 to 2008,
Posted November 22, 2014
The McAlvany Weekly Commentary is simply one of the very best sources of information and analysis on monetary, economic and geo-political news available to the
Posted October 17, 2014
Yesterday morning, St Louis Fed President James Bullard stopped the stock market crash in its tracks. In a live interview on Bloomberg Television, he said:
Posted September 9, 2014
A new Macro Watch video has been uploaded and is now ready to watch. Judging from most press reports, it would be easy to form
Posted July 27, 2014
Capitalism died during the two World Wars. In this speech, I discuss the transformation of our economic system from Capitalism to Creditism during the Twentieth
Posted September 26, 2013
Last week I was in Kuala Lumpur. There I had an interesting conversation with Julian Ng of BFM radio. We discussed: Why the Fed decided
Posted August 13, 2013
A friend who works on Wall Street (W. S.) recently sent me an email in which he pointed out some areas of strength in the
Posted November 13, 2012
Please find below an interview posted on MarketWatch today. Bangkok-based economist and author Richard Duncan says a chorus of economists pointing to a rebound in
Posted October 18, 2012
I recently had a lively conversation with charismatic Lauren Lyster on Capital Account in Washington D.C. We discussed the death of Capitalism in World War
Posted October 8, 2012
I recently had a long chat with Jeff Glor on Author Talk, in New York. Longer interviews like this one are a nice change
Posted August 22, 2012
I’m in New York this week, promoting The New Depression. On Monday, I was on Squawk Box (at 6:30 am). I was interviewed by Andrew
Posted July 28, 2012
On Tuesday July 17th I was invited to appear on Glenn Beck’s show. This came about because of my CNBC Squawk Box Europe interview the
Posted May 11, 2012
This week David McAlvany interviewed me for his program, The McAlvany Weekly Commentary. We discussed the crisis in the global economy, the risk of a
Posted May 4, 2012
I was recently Jay Taylor’s guest on Turning Hard Times Into Good Times. We discussed the evolution of Capitalism into Creditism, The Quantity Theory Of
Posted April 20, 2012
My third book on the global economic crisis is now in print and available on Kindle. It’s called The New Depression: The Breakdown Of The
Posted May 3, 2011
Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, every economic boom has been followed by an economic bust. The bigger the boom, the bigger the bust.
Posted January 13, 2011
There are many areas where my views differ from those of Ben Bernanke. Here is the first. Fed Chairman Bernanke believes in the Monetary Theory
Posted November 26, 2010
Keynesians Bernanke and the Monetarists Free Traders The Libertarians The Tea Party The Democrats The Republicans The Bulls/the optimists The Bears/the pessimists China Bulls China’s