Great Twitter Spaces Conversation with Michae…
Michael Green, chief strategist at Simplify Asset Management, conducts brilliant interviews on Twitter Spaces, on Simplify’s YouTube channel, and on Substack. If you don’t already follow him on Twitter, you should. His
Inflation Is Down, But The Fed’s Not Fi…
On February 1st, the Fed hiked the Federal Funds Rate by 25-basis points to a range between 4.5% and 4.75%. During the press conference following the FOMC Meeting, Fed Chairman
Coming To America
I will be in the United States during March to promote my book, The Money Revolution: How To Finance The Next American Century. I need your help in arranging media interviews
Do Fed, ECB & BOJ Assets Drive The S&…
Changes in the Combined Total Assets of the Fed, ECB and BOJ appear correlated with movements in the S&P 500 Index. Of course, correlation does not prove causation. But it is easy to see
Bank Of Japan Doubles Bond Yield Cap
The Bank Of Japan surprised the markets on December 20th by doubling its cap on the yield on 10-year Japanese Government Bonds (JGBs) from 25-basis points to 50-basis points. For
Video Ready plus BOJ Primer
Earlier this week, I uploaded a presentation entitled “More Wealth Destruction Ahead: Part Two”. The video accompanying that presentation is now ready to watch. It explains why Monetary Policy is likely
More Wealth Destruction Ahead: Part Two
The previous Macro Watch video showed that the Fed is tightening Monetary Policy much more aggressively in the current tightening cycle than during the previous one. But that, despite this, asset
More Wealth Destruction Ahead, Part One
The Fed is tightening Monetary Policy much faster and more aggressively now than during the previous tightening cycle that ran from January 2014 to August 2019. While asset prices have
The Fed May Lose $50 Billion in 2023
Last year, if the Fed had been a corporation, it would have been the most profitable corporation in the world. It earned $108 billion. Apple earned $100 billion. Apple paid $19
TIP Interview: “One Of My Favorites Thi…
“This is one of my favorite interviews of the year so far. Richard @PaperMoneyEcon brings the 🔥 fire,” tweeted Trey Lockerbie, regarding our recent conversation for The Investor’s Podcast. Given all the