Podcast: Our Once In History Opportunity
The global economy may well collapse into a new Great Depression. But if it does, it will be due to policy mistakes, not because of some preordained “laws” set down by
The Yield Curve Is Sending You A Warning
The inversion of the yield curve is considered to be one of the most accurate predictors of recessions. It has inverted before every US recession since World War II. It
Who Will Be Hurt By The US-China Trade War?
Tensions between the United States and China intensified last week when the CFO of one of China’s largest tech companies was arrested in Canada at the request of the United
A Particularly Good Interview
I recently had a particularly interesting conversation with Hunter Thompson, the host of the Cash Flow Connections Podcast. I highly recommend it. Please find the link to the podcast
Investing In America
One of the most important things to understand about economics is that CAPITAL GROWS. The Capital Stock of the United States increased 60-fold between 1952 and 2017, from $1 trillion
The Capital Structure Of The United States
Capital, when combined with labor and natural resources, generates income. If that income is saved and invested, it generates more income. Therefore, it is important to understand a country’s Capital Stock
The Rich Dad Radio Show Interview With Robert…
I recently spoke with Robert Kiyosaki for the Rich Dad Radio Show about the danger that the US – China Trade War may soon become a new Cold War. In
A Concise History Of Creditism
2018 marks the Golden Anniversary of Paper Money. On March 19, 1968, President Johnson signed Public Law 90-269 which ended the requirement that the Federal Reserve hold Gold to back
The Investors Podcast Interview On The US –…
I recently spoke with The Investors Podcast about the repercussions that the US – China Trade War could have on China, the United States and the rest of the world;
Credit Update: Government Debt Spikes
Our economic system evolved from Capitalism into Creditism once money ceased to be backed by gold 50 years ago. Under Capitalism, economic growth was driven by Saving and Investment. Under