Japan’s Extraordinary Experiment
Posted November 2, 2017
The Bank of Japan is creating money and buying up Japanese Government Debt on an unprecedented scale. Thus far, the BOJ has bought up 40%
Posted November 2, 2017
The Bank of Japan is creating money and buying up Japanese Government Debt on an unprecedented scale. Thus far, the BOJ has bought up 40%
Posted October 19, 2017
Last year, Macro Watch published a five-video series on China’s economy. It explained that China’s export-led, investment-driven and debt-fueled economic growth model is in crisis
Posted September 21, 2017
Last month I had the great good fortune to go on a speaking tour around South America at the invitation of the CFA Institute. I
Posted September 1, 2017
The Fed is expected to announce the launch of Quantitative Tightening (QT) on September 20th. Quantitative Tightening will be a radical reversal of monetary policy.
Posted August 28, 2017
The latest Macro Watch video describes the Four Great Threats facing the global economy: 1. The Crisis In Creditism 2. President Trump’s Economic Policies 3.
Posted August 12, 2017
There’s a great deal of confusion about what has gone wrong with the global economy. Everyone seems to have a favorite scapegoat to blame for
Posted July 25, 2017
Janet Yellen and her colleagues are facing a difficult predicament. If the Fed does not tighten monetary policy, then a destabilizing asset price bubble could
Posted July 11, 2017
We are now entering a very dangerous period for asset prices and the global economy. The Fed plans to drain more than $1 trillion of
Posted June 27, 2017
A Monetary Revolution began when Money ceased to be backed by Gold in 1971. Since then, central banks have taken over the management of the
Posted June 13, 2017
Over the last nine years, since the crisis of 2008 began, a revolution has occurred in the way in which government policymakers manage the economy
Posted May 25, 2017
The Fed intends to reverse Quantitative Easing beginning later this year. That is a very bad idea that could inflict severe damage on the economy
Posted May 10, 2017
“Globalization presumes sustained economic growth. Otherwise, the process loses its economic benefits and political support.” – Paul Samuelson Today, global economic growth is weak and
Posted May 4, 2017
I recently had a very interesting discussion with Preston Pysh and Stig Brodersen of The Investors Podcast. I highly recommend that you listen to this
Posted April 20, 2017
It has long been understood that when the government borrows excessively, it pushes up interest rates and Crowds Out the private sector. Before the breakdown
Posted April 10, 2017
It is not possible to understand an economy without understanding how that economy is financed. In the latest Macro Watch video, we examine the credit
Posted March 28, 2017
Our economic system changed in a fundamental way when we stopped backing Dollars with Gold. That change removed the most important constraint on how much
Posted March 10, 2017
When the Dollar appreciated by 22% between June 2014 and March 2015, commodity prices fell, emerging markets suffered, world trade contracted, US corporate profits fell
Posted March 2, 2017
For any economy to grow, one or more of the following things must occur: 1) The Workforce must grow, 2) Wages must increase, 3) Credit
Posted February 12, 2017
I’ve just returned from a couple of very interesting weeks in the United States. In mid-January, I had the opportunity to meet Alan Greenspan and
Posted January 26, 2017
Thanks to Bill Bonner and my other friends at Agora Economics, I had the opportunity to meet former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan on January