President Trump, You Can Make America’s Economy Great Again. Here’s How
Posted November 15, 2016
I have just uploaded a Macro Watch video in the form of a presentation to President-elect Trump. This is the most important video I
Posted November 15, 2016
I have just uploaded a Macro Watch video in the form of a presentation to President-elect Trump. This is the most important video I
Posted October 6, 2016
The US economy remains weak and vulnerable. The new Macro Watch video explains why. The economy is weak because credit growth remains too sluggish to
Posted September 30, 2016
Macro Watch covered a lot of important topics during the third quarter. Please check the list below to make sure you haven’t missed anything. Free
Posted September 25, 2016
Below, please find the last chapter of the paperback version of my first book, The Dollar Crisis. It was written in December 2004, four years
Posted September 22, 2016
Asset prices and the economy are being held up by ultra low interest rates in the United States and around the world. If interest rates
Posted September 9, 2016
The new Macro Watch video uploaded today considers the outlook for equities, bonds/interest rates, property prices, commodities and currencies. Topics include: Important lessons from the
Posted August 26, 2016
Last year at this time, the financial markets were gripped by panic following a surprise devaluation of the Chinese Yuan. At that time, I uploaded
Posted August 23, 2016
The Bank Of England rejoined the QE Club this month by launching its third round of Quantitative Easing. The UK central bank announced that it
Posted August 13, 2016
If you have an hour to learn how the international monetary system has evolved over the last 100 years and how that evolution has shaped
Posted August 6, 2016
In 1963, Murray Rothbard published a book called America’s Great Depression, in which he argued that President Herbert Hoover made the Great Depression worse by
Posted July 30, 2016
I strongly recommend that you listen to this free podcast. My friend David McAlvany interviewed me for the highly respected McAlvany Weekly Commentary a few
Posted July 17, 2016
Credit growth has been the driver of economic growth for decades. That was the theme of my third book, The New Depression, and the subject
Posted June 13, 2016
China’s economy is freakishly unbalanced. Investment (Gross Fixed Capital Formation) makes up 44% of China’s GDP, whereas Household Consumption makes up only 38% of GDP.
Posted June 1, 2016
China’s economic growth engine is fuelled by extraordinarily large amounts of credit. In 2015, it took RMB 15.4 trillion (US$2.4 trillion) of credit growth to
Posted May 27, 2016
I recently had a great, wide-ranging conversation with Cris Sheridan of Financial Sense Newshour. We began with the economic crisis in China and moved on
Posted May 15, 2016
Chinese Investment increased 50-fold between 1990 and 2014. Investment (i.e. Gross Fixed Capital Formation or GFCF) in China grew from US$92 billion in 1990 to
Posted May 6, 2016
I highly recommend you listen to this free MacroVoices podcast. It explains the real origins of our global economic crisis. It also describes how the
Posted May 2, 2016
China’s economy resembles a spinning top that is running out of momentum. It is wobbling and gyrating erratically. A stock market crash, diminishing returns on
Posted April 25, 2016
This interview was conducted by Andrew Mazzone, President of the Henry George School of Social Science. Click on the link below to watch the video.
Posted April 18, 2016
Seven years of weak credit growth in the US have brought the world to the brink of a deflationary global recession. As a result, political