Seigniorage: Simple, Short and $1.7 Trillion Sweet
Posted May 9, 2019
The new Macro Watch video describes the enormous windfall profits the US Government and, therefore, US taxpayers earn as the result of Seigniorage every year.
Posted May 9, 2019
The new Macro Watch video describes the enormous windfall profits the US Government and, therefore, US taxpayers earn as the result of Seigniorage every year.
Posted April 25, 2019
As recently as 1969, US savings were sufficient to fund all US debt. How things have changed. Last year, the US had only enough savings to finance
Posted April 11, 2019
Credit Growth drives Economic Growth. But the United States doesn’t save enough to finance all that it borrows. It hasn’t for a very long time. To finance
Posted March 28, 2019
Between 1980 and 2008, Credit Growth drove Economic Growth. The ratio of Total Credit to GDP soared from 170% in 1980 to 370% in 2008. Since 2008,
Posted February 28, 2019
This video is the second in a series looking at the largest US tech giants ranked by R&D Investment. Part One covered Amazon, Alphabet and
Posted February 19, 2019
The new Macro Watch video is the first in a two-part series examining the six largest US tech giants, ranked according to the amount they
Posted February 12, 2019
Monetary Policy is now arguably the most powerful force driving the global economy and the world’s financial markets. Central banks prevented a new global Great
Posted February 3, 2019
The Fed’s January 30th FOMC meeting produced one of the most consequential shifts in Monetary Policy that I can recall. Rate hikes were put on hold. Quantitative
Posted January 15, 2019
Investment in Research and Development (R&D) today will be a decisive factor in determining which companies and which countries dominate the future. The new Macro
Posted January 3, 2019
The global economy may well collapse into a new Great Depression. But if it does, it will be due to policy mistakes, not because of some
Posted December 21, 2018
The inversion of the yield curve is considered to be one of the most accurate predictors of recessions. It has inverted before every US recession
Posted December 5, 2018
I recently had a particularly interesting conversation with Hunter Thompson, the host of the Cash Flow Connections Podcast. I highly recommend it. Please find
Posted November 29, 2018
One of the most important things to understand about economics is that CAPITAL GROWS. The Capital Stock of the United States increased 60-fold between 1952
Posted November 7, 2018
Capital, when combined with labor and natural resources, generates income. If that income is saved and invested, it generates more income. Therefore, it is important to
Posted October 23, 2018
I recently spoke with Robert Kiyosaki for the Rich Dad Radio Show about the danger that the US – China Trade War may soon become
Posted October 18, 2018
2018 marks the Golden Anniversary of Paper Money. On March 19, 1968, President Johnson signed Public Law 90-269 which ended the requirement that the Federal
Posted October 4, 2018
Our economic system evolved from Capitalism into Creditism once money ceased to be backed by gold 50 years ago. Under Capitalism, economic growth was driven
Posted September 20, 2018
Earlier Macro Watch videos this year have shown how the central banks of the United States, Japan, Europe and China have created money on a
Posted August 30, 2018
Large-scale capital flight out of China threatened to send the Chinese economy into crisis beginning in mid-2014. As a result, the People’s Bank Of China
Posted August 28, 2018
In this television interview for Renegade Inc., Ross Ashcroft and I discuss Creditism and the opportunities and dangers that exist at this unique moment in